Kindness & Karma
Kindness & Karma is a special reader space. This is one of the pages where readers can send their personal stories, unique experiences and photos. Each month the editors solicit responses from our readers to questions that embrace unexpected inspiration. Please send along your name (last name is optional) and state or country. (Editors reserve the right to edit for content and word count.)
Jillian Crocetta, Sanctuary's summer intern wants to know...
Many have cancelled travel plans due to the pandemic, but we can always dream about the day we can all safely travel again. We're asking readers under 25 to tell us about a place they'd love to travel to and why.
Send responses to: [email protected]
Reader responses...
“I want to travel to England. There’s so much history – Windsor Castle comes to mind; plus, I’m a huge fan of the Harry Potter book series and would love to visit Leadenhall Market and other spots in London.” ~ Beth (NJ)
“I would love to travel to Belgium to see the rest of my family! A few of my cousins there have recently had babies!” ~ Katherine (MD)
“I would love to be able to travel through Italy and Greece right now for some great food and sightseeing. Relaxing on the beaches sounds nice right about now too!” ~ Katie (NY)
“I would love to travel to Norway. Norway is such an amazing country - very peaceful and a super low crime rate. Norway is also incredibly LGBTQ+ friendly and has an amazing Pride celebration each year that I’d love to go to.” ~ Lindsay (RI)
“I would love to travel to Hawaii because it’s so different from other states in the U.S. I want to hike the volcanoes and experience the culture there, such as attending a luau. I’d like to visit Pearl Harbor as well…and, of course, explore the incredible beaches and snorkel.” ~ Skye (NY)
“I have always wanted to visit Italy because I still have family that lives there. I have never been able to see them or the culture that my grandparents grew up in.” ~ Tarryn (NY)
“I would love to travel to Belgium to see the rest of my family! A few of my cousins there have recently had babies!” ~ Katherine (MD)
“I would love to be able to travel through Italy and Greece right now for some great food and sightseeing. Relaxing on the beaches sounds nice right about now too!” ~ Katie (NY)
“I would love to travel to Norway. Norway is such an amazing country - very peaceful and a super low crime rate. Norway is also incredibly LGBTQ+ friendly and has an amazing Pride celebration each year that I’d love to go to.” ~ Lindsay (RI)
“I would love to travel to Hawaii because it’s so different from other states in the U.S. I want to hike the volcanoes and experience the culture there, such as attending a luau. I’d like to visit Pearl Harbor as well…and, of course, explore the incredible beaches and snorkel.” ~ Skye (NY)
“I have always wanted to visit Italy because I still have family that lives there. I have never been able to see them or the culture that my grandparents grew up in.” ~ Tarryn (NY)