JUNE 2022:
"Celebrating the Men in Our Lives"
Sanctuary is featuring the following men in this 2022 special issue:
Thomas Cale
Jeffrey Friedkin
Dan Goldman
Franc Palaia
Avrum Weiss
and poems by Will Reger
See links to their pages and statements below.
We asked each artist to respond to the following question: In today's digital age, how do you get the word out about your work?
"Social media is unavoidable in today’s world if you want to stay in the 'art game.' I put myself out there mostly through my website and Instagram. I don’t particularly love the idea of consuming art on a phone. It’s much too small, and there is something so visceral about standing in front of a great piece of art. One thing I do love about Instagram is that I’ll constantly scroll through art posts and save everything that catches my eye. This way I can go back later and ask myself what it is that makes the work appealing to me. It’s a way to discover myself and challenge myself to do more of what I enjoy seeing. I like the way Robert Henri states it in one of my favorite books The Art Spirit. Henri says, 'Each genius differs only from the mass in that he has found every freedom for his greatness.' I’m constantly in search of that freedom and that greatness."
"I usually get the word out about my exhibitions and activities through social media. I use Facebook, Instagram, my website, email, messaging, word of mouth, and postcards."
"I have always been averse to marketing my work on social media. This is because self-promotion is uncomfortable for me and the nature of the medium limits the depth that an author can go into in explaining their ideas. For me, a helpful shift has been to understand the goal of disseminating these ideas because they help people in their lives. I can reach so many more readers on social media than I can through my books. I develop the concepts to whatever extent I like in my books, and that work is available for readers who want to know more."