Kindness & Karma
Kindness & Karma is a special reader space. This is one of the pages where readers can send their personal stories, unique experiences and photos. Each month the editors solicit responses from our readers to questions that embrace unexpected inspiration. Please send along your name (last name is optional) and state or country. (Editors reserve the right to edit for content and word count.)
The Sanctuary Team wants to know...
2020 was really tough for so many! One of our readers suggested sharing good times, uplifting stories or some laughter to bring in the New Year. We agreed that this is something we all could use!
Do you have an uplifting story? Perhaps you'd like to share a hilarious photo that will bring on belly laughs? Or maybe there's something else you'd like to share with us that will bring a smile to our faces.
Do you have an uplifting story? Perhaps you'd like to share a hilarious photo that will bring on belly laughs? Or maybe there's something else you'd like to share with us that will bring a smile to our faces.
Community, Perseverance, Love, Healing:
"Before COVID hit, I lost my beloved job of 25 years as the director of a large program for people with developmental disabilities and their families. I instantly 'lost' literally hundreds of people that I cared so deeply for. To say that I was in mourning is an understatement. When COVID hit, PPE was hard to come by. I began making masks for friends and family, using fabric I had at home. Then I made masks for the staff at my doctors office, masks for staff at the grocery store, masks for persons with disabilities, and masks for people who were homeless/food insecure. I carried extra masks and passed them out wherever I went. Once PPE became easier to obtain, people were encouraging me to sell masks. And so I do. Wearing masks saves lives. And, on a personal level, I feel that making them has saved mine! Making masks has given me a sense of purpose and a feeling that I am contributing. It has helped to ease my grief over losing my job. (Plus, mask making has helped me to keep my hands out of the cookie jar! Hello, COVID weight gain!) So that’s my story. I just make masks at my dining room table." ~ Jodi (NY) |
Jodi wears one of her beautiful masks.
Find out more about Jodi's masks from her FACEBOOK PAGE.
Something new to try...
Laughter Yoga: The concept of Laughter Yoga is based on a scientific fact that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter. One gets the same physiological and psychological benefits. Find a club near you. ~ Sent to us by a reader in NY
Laughter Yoga: The concept of Laughter Yoga is based on a scientific fact that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter. One gets the same physiological and psychological benefits. Find a club near you. ~ Sent to us by a reader in NY