Kindness & Karma
Kindness & Karma is a special reader space. This is one of the pages where readers can send their personal stories, unique experiences and photos. Each month the editors solicit responses from our readers to questions that embrace unexpected inspiration. Please send along your name (last name is optional) and state or country. (Editors reserve the right to edit for content and word count.)
The Sanctuary Team wants to know...
What was your father's/grandfather's favorite saying? This could be something he coined or an adage he borrowed but made his own.
My dad has always talked about fiscal and personal responsibility – conserving things, like energy , fixing something instead of buying new. One of his favorite things to say when my siblings or I left the lights on in an empty room: "Do you have stock in the electric company?" ~ Myrna (NY)
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." One of my father's favorites! ~ Cary (PA)
My dad has always talked about fiscal and personal responsibility – conserving things, like energy , fixing something instead of buying new. One of his favorite things to say when my siblings or I left the lights on in an empty room: "Do you have stock in the electric company?" ~ Myrna (NY)
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." One of my father's favorites! ~ Cary (PA)