Mare Leonard
Poetry Corner Advisor
MARE is a seasoned poet and gifted essayist. She has been published in numerous journals and is also the author of several chapbooks: Twenty-First Century Flint (2 River), A Girl (Pudding House), The Sweet and Low Down (Antrim House), The World That Is (Red Ochre Press), and The Dark Inside My Hooded Coat (Finishing Line Press). Mare was a finalist in the Hill-Stead Museum's Poetry Contest, and she won first prize in the Lucy Cady Lamphier Contest.
For decades, Mare has also been a passionate and dedicated teacher who has helped a multitude of aspiring writers to find their voice and style and to have confidence to reinvent the rules. She is an associate of the Institute for Writing and Thinking and the MAT programs at Bard College.
Statement: I believe in the concept behind this magazine. I love reading writings that make me think - in any genre – and, of course, I am attracted to the visual component. I also admire the enthusiasm for this project.
For decades, Mare has also been a passionate and dedicated teacher who has helped a multitude of aspiring writers to find their voice and style and to have confidence to reinvent the rules. She is an associate of the Institute for Writing and Thinking and the MAT programs at Bard College.
Statement: I believe in the concept behind this magazine. I love reading writings that make me think - in any genre – and, of course, I am attracted to the visual component. I also admire the enthusiasm for this project.