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SEPTEMBER 2023 TOPIC: The Health Benefits Associated with CBD
Mary Therese Yamamoto
Owner of CannActive Life |
Mary Therese Yamamoto is founder of CannActive Life, a company focused on educating and encouraging an active lifestyle and plant-based recovery methods. She created CannActive Life in 2019 after months of using CBD to help her mobility issues and wanted to learn more and share her findings with others. Studying the Cannabis plant and all of its benefits has been an adventure for this accounting services-trained entrepreneur. Mary Therese is certified by the Cannabis Coaching Institute as an Educator, and you can catch her speaking at one of her "Green Happy Hours" in the Hudson Valley, New York area. In addition to owning and running her businesses, she's running her home life as well with husband, Frank, and children Billy and Julia. |
“I heard that CBD edibles don’t kick in right away if you’re using it for anxiety. Is this true?” ~ Carry (PA)
Dear Carry,
CBD has a general rule to give it from five days to two weeks to really feel the affects you desire. Everyone’s system is different, and some say they feel it right away, others may feel it doesn’t affect them. Whichever way you ingest it, it should have the same overall effect once it hits the bloodstream, whether edibles, oils or softgels and drinks.
“Does CBD oil work for arthritis? What about muscle tears/strains?” ~ Jim (NY)
Dear Jim,
Yes! Due to the natural anti-inflammatory agents within the plant, people generally feel relief and less discomfort from arthritis and muscle tears/strains. A good roll-on or sports cream from our product line gives at least four hours of relief and kicks in within 15 to 20 minutes.
“Do you have to use CBD every day?” ~ Kelli
Dear Kelli,
If you want consistent relief for your health needs, you should take it daily to keep it flowing in the bloodstream. You may find after some time you’ve built a tolerance. You can solve that by either fasting CBD intake for five days and giving your body a reset, or you can up your dosage if you don’t want to go without.
Topicals (lotions, roll-ons) are used more on an "as-needed" basis.
“Does eating or drinking alcohol reduce or increase the effects of CBD?” ~ Anonymous
Dear Anonymous.
Mixing the two may cause increased relaxation and tiredness, but there are not intoxicating effects that would happen. Some people try to cut their alcohol intake by supplementing it with CBD. Some studies have shown that CBD reduces liver damage, inflammation and cravings for alcohol.
“Please point us to online resources for more information.” ~ Sanctuary Team
Dear Sanctuary Team,
Project CBD is an excellent resource online for scientific information on CBD. I am an active reader and supporter of that site. It has been studied extensively outside of the United States, especially in Israel. You’ll find a lot of clinically backed articles there that are easy to understand.
Dear Carry,
CBD has a general rule to give it from five days to two weeks to really feel the affects you desire. Everyone’s system is different, and some say they feel it right away, others may feel it doesn’t affect them. Whichever way you ingest it, it should have the same overall effect once it hits the bloodstream, whether edibles, oils or softgels and drinks.
“Does CBD oil work for arthritis? What about muscle tears/strains?” ~ Jim (NY)
Dear Jim,
Yes! Due to the natural anti-inflammatory agents within the plant, people generally feel relief and less discomfort from arthritis and muscle tears/strains. A good roll-on or sports cream from our product line gives at least four hours of relief and kicks in within 15 to 20 minutes.
“Do you have to use CBD every day?” ~ Kelli
Dear Kelli,
If you want consistent relief for your health needs, you should take it daily to keep it flowing in the bloodstream. You may find after some time you’ve built a tolerance. You can solve that by either fasting CBD intake for five days and giving your body a reset, or you can up your dosage if you don’t want to go without.
Topicals (lotions, roll-ons) are used more on an "as-needed" basis.
“Does eating or drinking alcohol reduce or increase the effects of CBD?” ~ Anonymous
Dear Anonymous.
Mixing the two may cause increased relaxation and tiredness, but there are not intoxicating effects that would happen. Some people try to cut their alcohol intake by supplementing it with CBD. Some studies have shown that CBD reduces liver damage, inflammation and cravings for alcohol.
“Please point us to online resources for more information.” ~ Sanctuary Team
Dear Sanctuary Team,
Project CBD is an excellent resource online for scientific information on CBD. I am an active reader and supporter of that site. It has been studied extensively outside of the United States, especially in Israel. You’ll find a lot of clinically backed articles there that are easy to understand.