Submit your work for our first writing contest!
We are looking for poetry or narrative essay submissions
for the following prompts:
“I find my peace….” or “I find my power…”
We are looking for poetry or narrative essay submissions
for the following prompts:
“I find my peace….” or “I find my power…”
and will be posted on our front page for the entire month. Winner will also receive a page under
Poetry & Essays with a bio and desired links to their work.
- DEADLINE is OCTOBER 15th, 2017!
- Entrants must be 18 years or older.
- Please send Word docs only to: [email protected]
- Write "2017 Writing Contest" in subject line.
- Include your full name, address and website or social networking links with submission.
- Narrative Essay Length: Up to 900 words.
- Poetry: All types.
- You may use your own title; however, the prompt you've chosen must be listed at the top of the page.
- Sanctuary staff members are not eligible to enter.
and will be posted on our front page for the entire month. Winner will also receive a page under
Poetry & Essays with a bio and desired links to their work.