To celebrate the memory of Raymond J. Steiner (a.k.a. Ray ~ 1933 to 2019), his writings, critiques and love of the arts, Cornelia Seckel and Myrna Haskell have combined their efforts to create a resource space of profiles and features that were originally published in ART TIMES, an international arts literary journal co-founded by Cornelia and Ray, which celebrated the arts for close to four decades. On occasion, readers will find past articles posted in this new space in Sanctuary, aptly titled Art Times Library.
"I knew Ray before Cornelia. He was my 11th grade honors English teacher. In my high school yearbook, he wrote, “I’d like to say much more than I am able here, but I’m sure you know what I think of you. Please take care, live life fully, and follow your heart.” We stayed in touch after I graduated from high school, and I wrote a couple of book reviews for ART TIMES in the late 1980s. I also visited Ray and Cornelia at their home for dinner on more than one occasion. When Ray became ill, Cornelia and I formed a stronger bond, sharing stories about our journeys in the publishing industry. Today, Cornelia and I both serve on the National Association of Women Artists’ Board of Directors, and she has joined the Sanctuary team as an advisor to me, sharing her expertise as a longtime publisher and art enthusiast. I know that Ray is smiling, knowing Cornelia and I have formed a deeper friendship. His spirit cheers us on." ~ Myrna Haskell |
Cornelia & Raymond Toast the Final Ink on Paper Issue of ART TIMES
(ART TIMES Office, Summer 2016) |
Back when it all started…"I was working as a career counselor at a local high school. But I felt uninspired and untapped. I wanted to do something bigger, better, with greater outreach that used my abilities as a resource person. Creating ART TIMES was a result of a meeting with a local arts council. Raymond had written a piece for them, and it wasn’t being printed. We met with the director to see what the problem was. They didn’t have money for typesetting or for printing. It didn’t seem like such a big deal, and I said I would do it, but they never got back to me. When we left, Ray and I thought we could do it ourselves – a publication that showcased all the arts, connecting New York City and the Hudson Valley, a resource for the creative community. The idea was born. Being open to possibilities is what allowed me to be inspired to become a publisher. This was a perfect fit for me – gathering information and getting it out to the world." ~ Cornelia Seckel |
Republished in Sanctuary:
ESSAY: THE PARTICULARS (Republished Dec. '23)
PROFILE: HARRIET ISLES (Republished Sept. '23)
ESSAY: THE PARTICULARS (Republished Dec. '23)
PROFILE: HARRIET ISLES (Republished Sept. '23)